Date: 27/02/2023
Registration Procedure & Rules for Admission to Classes Nursery to IX
for the session 2023-2024
Online Registration for admission to these classes for the academic session 2025-26 shall be available on the school website from 28th Feb. 2023 and will close on 3rd March 2023 at 4.00 pm. No extension of time / date will be acceptable.
No. of Seats available:
Admission Eligibility Criteria
Child should be born between 01/07/2019 to 31/12/2020
Jr. Kg.
Child should be born between 01/7/2018 to 31/12/2019
Child should be born between 01/07/2017 to 31/12/2018
Child should be born between 01/07/2016 to 31/12/2017
Std. II
Child should pass Final Exam 2022-23 and should be promoted to next class.( Admission shall be provisional)
Std. III
Std. IV
Std. V
Std. VI
Std. VII
Std. IX
Registration Form must be filled Online. Documents required to submit the form is :
1) For class Nursery to class 1st :
a) Copy of Birth Certificate. Gazette copy of any changes in the name / spelling of the applicant. Adoption Deed in case of adopted child.
b) Proof of Residence (Aadhar Card / Electricity Bill) is mandatory to fill the form.
2) For classes 2nd to 9th:
a) 1st term result of the Previous Class for the Academic Session 2022-23is must.
b) Copy of Birth Certificate Gazette copy of any changes in the name / spelling of the applicant. Adoption Deed in case of adopted child.and Proof of Residence (Aadhar Card / Electricity Bill) is mandatory to fill in the form.
Registration link to fill Online Registration Form is : Url -
While paying registration fee please note the following:
Selectthedesired option for fee payment i.e. DebitCard / Credit Card / Internet Bankingetc. ClickonPAYNOWbutton.
In case transaction amount is debited from your account and form is not generated or message of transaction is failed is seen on the screen, please don’t transact again. Send us the email at [email protected]. We will respond within 2-3 days of the transaction to confirm the receipt/non-receipt of form.
Submission of Registration Form does not guarantee admission.
Admission criteria:
Admission to all the classes shall be based on merit and will limit to availability of seats.
The School believes in absolute transparency with regards to admission
Admission to all the classes shall be based on the decision of the admission committee
Any wrong information and incomplete application form will be disqualified without any intimation
The school does not accept any favours by way of donations or capitation fees.
The Admission Committee reserves its rights on issues regarding admission. The final decision will be taken by the admission committee.
All eligibility criteria are to be strictly adhered to avoid unnecessary arguments with any staff member of the school.
Please note that no further enquiry shall be entertained in this regard.
Admission to all the classes is ONLINE. Any wrong information on the application form filled online will amount to disqualification.
It may be noted that the admission may be denied to provisionally admitted children on the grounds of Falsification of any documents / information.
SIBLING: Fee Receipt of the ward’s sibling if studying in Jr.KG to Std. XII showing paid online /offline fee receipt up to March 2023 should be on records in School’s Office at the time of short listing
List of selected students will be displayed on Notice Board as well as on school website by 07/03/2023.
Detailed information for submission of fees and documents for the selected students shall be intimated along with the list of selected students.
Admission for class Std. XI for the Academic Session 2025-26 shall be announced in last week of March on the basis of Pre – Board results. Selection criteria shall be displayed later.
For all other details, parents are requested to check the school website from time to time, to ensure that they do not miss the dates and important information.